As an expert in menopause counseling, I take pride in guiding women through the transformative phases of perimenopause and menopause. At the age of 38, I underwent a double mastectomy and hysterectomy. This abrupt transition into menopause catapulted me into a radical journey of self-advocacy, and self-education, in order to manage my symptoms. 

My own experience has deepened my commitment to helping women not just survive but thrive during menopause. I'm dedicated to educating women about perimenopause and menopause, empowering them to advocate for themselves with healthcare providers, revealing their inner strength, offering hope, and ensuring they stay accountable to achieve their goals. Let's make menopause a more positive and engaging topic, and I'm privileged to be part of this journey.  

I'm Johanna, your menopause guide.

Modern women will spend almost half of their lives in menopause.

 Anxiety and depression can begin
or worsen during perimenopause.

Only 20% of medical schools have any formal menopasue education.

Did you know?

Tips and Tricks

Advocate for youself

BE Prepared

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