Through the Fog: The Reality of Medical Gaslighting During Menopause

Navigating through menopause is an inevitable, natural phase in every woman’s life, characterized by significant physical and emotional transformations. However, the journey is marred by a less visible, yet profound challenge: medical gaslighting. This phenomenon, deeply rooted in the systemic gaps within healthcare education, significantly undermines the experiences of countless women seeking understanding and relief from healthcare professionals.

Understanding Medical Gaslighting

Medical gaslighting in the context of menopause often arises from a disturbing gap in healthcare professionals’ understanding and management of menopause. Despite Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) being recognized as a primary treatment option for menopause symptoms, an overwhelming number of women are instead prescribed antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and sleep aids. This approach not only neglects the hormonal underpinnings of menopausal symptoms but also fuels a cycle of misunderstanding and frustration among women in search of effective relief.

A Closer Look at Educational Shortfalls

The root of this disparity in treatment lies in the educational shortfalls within the healthcare system. Shockingly, The Commonwealth Fund’s report reveals that only 20% of obstetrics and gynecology residencies offer training on menopause, and 80% of medical residents report feeling only “barely comfortable” discussing or treating menopause. This glaring lack of comprehensive menopause training underscores a systemic issue in medical education that may contribute to the medical gaslighting of menopausal women.

Empowering Women to Advocate for Better Care

In light of these educational deficiencies, it is paramount for women navigating menopause to take a stand and advocate for themselves. This entails seeking out healthcare providers who are not only well-versed in menopause but also exhibit a deep understanding of and empathy for its challenges. Women should be empowered to explore HRT and other evidence-based treatment options openly with their healthcare providers.

The Path Forward: Dismantling Barriers to Effective Care

To combat medical gaslighting and improve care for menopausal women, raising awareness and fostering a deeper understanding within the medical community is essential. By spotlighting the issue of medical gaslighting and advocating for enhanced healthcare practices, we can initiate a much-needed shift towards a healthcare system that genuinely values and supports the experiences of menopausal women.


Menopause demands a compassionate, informed approach to care, acknowledging the intricate relationship between hormones and mental health. As we advocate for advancements in healthcare education and practice, we support women in their menopausal journey, ensuring their experiences are validated and addressed with the respect and expertise they deserve.

As we navigate the complex journey of menopause together, it’s vital to remember the power of belief—both in ourselves and in the voices of women everywhere. We know our bodies better than anyone else, and when we say something feels off, it’s not just a hunch; it’s a deeply felt understanding of our own health. If your doctor dismisses your concerns, attributing your symptoms to ‘normal’ levels on a snapshot hormone panel, remember, you deserve to be believed. Your experiences are valid, and your feelings about your body’s changes are legitimate.

In recognizing this, I invite you to take a step towards feeling heard and supported. Schedule a Solutions Call with me, where your concerns will be met with empathy, understanding, and action. Together, we can develop a personalized plan that addresses your symptoms and aligns with your unique menopause journey. You’re not alone, and with the right support, you can navigate this transition with confidence and clarity. Book your call now, and let’s start the conversation that believes in you and your health.

Call to Action

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