Your “Moon” and The Moon

The menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle have long been linked in the minds of many people, with both being seen as cyclical and intimately connected to the rhythms of nature. Astrology, the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, offers a unique perspective on this relationship, seeing the menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle as parallel processes that can inform and complement one another.

The menstrual cycle is typically divided into four phases: the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase. Each phase is characterized by specific physiological changes in the body, and is associated with different emotions, behaviors, and experiences.

The menstrual phase, also known as the bleeding phase, is the first phase of the menstrual cycle and typically lasts around 3-7 days. This is when the lining of the uterus is shed, and a woman will experience bleeding. Astrologically, this phase is associated with the New Moon, a time of new beginnings, renewal, and release. The New Moon is a time of endings and letting go, and the menstrual phase is a time of release and letting go of old blood and lining of the uterus.

The follicular phase is the second phase of the menstrual cycle and typically lasts around 7-14 days. This is when the body begins to prepare for ovulation by stimulating the growth of new follicles in the ovaries. Astrologically, this phase is associated with the Waxing Crescent Moon, a time of growth, expansion, and new beginnings. The Waxing Crescent Moon is a time of increasing light, and the follicular phase is a time of increasing fertility and potential.

The ovulatory phase is the third phase of the menstrual cycle and typically lasts around 24-36 hours. This is when ovulation occurs, and an egg is released from the ovary. Astrologically, this phase is associated with the Full Moon, a time of culmination, completion, and manifestation. The Full Moon is a time of fullness and completeness, and the ovulatory phase is a time of completion and release of the egg.

The luteal phase is the fourth and final phase of the menstrual cycle and typically lasts around 10-14 days. This is when the body begins to prepare for menstruation, and the lining of the uterus thickens. Astrologically, this phase is associated with the Waning Crescent Moon, a time of decline, release, and completion. The Waning Crescent Moon is a time of decreasing light, and the luteal phase is a time of decreasing fertility and completion.

In conclusion, the menstrual cycle and lunar cycle have a lot in common, both are cyclical and intimately connected to the rhythms of nature. Astrology offers a unique perspective on this relationship, linking the four phases of the menstrual cycle with the four phases of the moon. Understanding this relationship can help women to better understand their own menstrual cycles and the emotional and physical changes that occur during each phase. It can also help to provide a deeper understanding of the connection between women and the natural world.

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